
Monday, September 30, 2013

Adios, MoFo! Bienvenido, Otoño!

Lo siento MoFo!

Readers: Please accept this depressed child's first-day-of-school-face in exchange for the eleven posts I failed to produce this MoFo.

Because of all of my issues this month (which started last month, and then there was the month before that, and the month before that...I've had a difficult summer!) my Video 'Fo posts suffered.  I'm sure we can all move on.  Much to everyone's chagrin, I'm sure I'll do more videos.  However, I hope to find a way to improve (or replace!) Movie Maker, which seriously hindered my Five Minute Video 'Fo flow.  I had several more videos I'd hoped to have posted, but MM chose to crash about every five minutes (or, sometimes, immediately after opening) during my work editing said videos.  Editing the last few vids I posted took me much, much longer than they should have since I had to keep re-booting Windows 8 (yeah, I know, it's not so bad, but I still hate the Metro screen)  and re-loading Movie Maker, and restoring projects that closed down illegally, etc. etc.  So, I ended up with many fewer videos than I intended.  I'm sorry, MoFo!

The Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest Fell Short.
Adios, Vegan MoFo!

Anyway, now it's officially fall, and I am ready for the season in all it's burnt orange glory! Normally, I am relieved at summer's ending since I don't weather the hot, humid summers of south jersey particularly well; but this time, I'm nostalgic.  Summers in south jersey usually involve way too many 90+ degree days, with many in the high 90's or even several 100+ degree days like we had last year and the year before that.  This year, we had a lovely, cool, wet summer and those are my absolute favorite kind.  Even slightly cooler temperatures make summers much more tolerable, good for gardening (but not good conditions for fall pumpkins, unfortunately), swimming, and general outdoor cavorting.  Alas, it is with the sweet, rich blue-blush of figs heavy in the tree and the warm breeze chilling as it rises from the sidewalk and mingles with the fallen leaves that I welcome Autumn and all the new beginnings she brings.  

Bienvenido, Otoño!

What new beginnings do you hope for this season?

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pick Your Own...Part Deux!

Since I know none of you have been able to sleep since I posted Part One...
I present to you, Pick Your Own Paste Tomatoes, Part Deux!

Witness a Plethora of Paste Tomatoes Retrieved by Magical Means!

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Haddonfield Farmers Market

On Saturdays from May through October, the King's Court area of Haddonfield, NJ fills up with an adorable Farmers Market!  Join me for a brief tour on this gorgeous day!

Haddonfield Farmers Market, Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. May through Oct.

Here's the vendor directory, it's small, but so cute!

This time I *did* forget to "turn my phone" :-) 
Sorry, guys! It's so much easier to hold it upright rather than horizontally.

Enjoy this gorgeous day!

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pick Your Own...Or Not!

We made a sojourn to the farm this weekend to pick some paste tomatoes for canning, or, at least, that was the plan.

It was a beautiful day!

Sauce tomatoes? Yes, please!

Making friends along the way.

Pick Your Own...Or Not!

Have you guys picked *your* own this season?

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! September 1st through September 30th, 2013.

Let's not forget to send healing thoughts and prayers to victims and families of 9/11 today, and to thank the thousands of heroes who risked their own lives that day to save others.

Have a peaceful day!

**For the exciting conclusion to this cliffhanger, check out PYO Part Deux!**

Friday, September 6, 2013

Field Trip Friday: The Haddonfield Public Library!

Since it's Friday and I'm feeling a little better, I thought we would take a little field my local library!

You guys know I LOVE my library, right?  

I would live amongst the shelves like a little library fairy if I could!
Then, I would pop out and make suggestions to patrons browsing the shelves.
Yes, yes I would.

Join me for a few minutes of browsing the cookbook shelves!

If you live nearby, consider visiting the Haddonfield Friends of the Library Book Sale!

It's Sat. Sept 21st from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun. Sept. 22nd from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Last year, I got a huge bag of books for like $10!  Come during the last hour(s) of the sale for best deals, or, come early for best selection.  There are usually tons of cookbooks.  

Last year at the book sale, I found Jacques Pepin's memoir in almost-new condition, score!

It's a great read, especially if you are a fan of JP.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Cutest Goat in the World!

The Cutest Goat in the World.

I needed something cute today!

Five Minute Video 'Fo! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thank Goodness for the Cat-On-Call!

I'm back from the dentist, where I spent nearly all day.  Long story short, she attempted to re-drill and repair that problematic, deep filling, but it didn't work out (I don't want to talk about that!!).  Anyway, it ended up that she sent me down the street to an endodontist and I had the first half of a root canal (they are usually done in at least two stages).  I am due for the other half in a week or two.  I'm *still* in a lot of pain, and though I've taken what I'm sure should be enough meds, they just aren't working.  

So, I've got to make it through another night.  

The Cat-On-Call this evening is the reliable Olive ("Ollie" to me).  Let's discuss.

The Cat-On-Call doing her duty last night.

She was in my lap purring and kneading me.  That was around 3:30 a.m. "this morning."  
Sorry the pic is dark, it was dark and she was on my lap, I only had my phone handy.

She has been the Cat-On-Call many times before... 
Making sure my son didn't need anything when he was just a week or two old :-)

Yeah, that's my new little brother. Don't f*** with him!

Here's the Cat-On-Call warming up her baby brother's "cat bed"...

Emory and his turtle over five years ago.

Ollie making sure the turtle is still functioning properly.  This was taken last night :-)

Wish me luck.

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Labor Day from Hell!

I love blogging during MoFo. I use it as an organic, fluid process.  I do almost all my posts in relative real-time (writing them within a day or two of posting), but I certainly adore folks who plan for it well in advance and have scheduled posts.  I usually don't know exactly what I'm going to write until I'm writing it, and I like rolling the dice every day to see what comes.

If you've been following me on Facebook, you probably already know I'm having a problem with my tooth (!!) and I've had to wait since Friday to be seen about it.  I still have to make it through tonight and tomorrow morning. So, I thought I'd embrace that problem and make some videos :-)

It may be because of my tooth that I can't figure out where to look into the camera!

Thank your dentist on this Labor Day! :-)

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013

Sunday, September 1, 2013

VeganMoFo 2013: Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest!

Something's Happening Here...

Welcome to the Vegan Month of Food (VeganMoFo) at Vegan Fazool!

As many of you already know, bloggers around the world are blogging lots and lots this month, all about vegan food.  This year, I will be doing *short* videos (and other fun stuff), all under five minutes long for your work-watching and MoFo browsing pleasure.  We all need to get stuff done, so I want you to get in and get out and have a good time.  Um, no, not that kind...well, maybe.

Welcome to Fazool's Five Minute Video 'Fo!

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013

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