
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pick Your Own...Or Not!

We made a sojourn to the farm this weekend to pick some paste tomatoes for canning, or, at least, that was the plan.

It was a beautiful day!

Sauce tomatoes? Yes, please!

Making friends along the way.

Pick Your Own...Or Not!

Have you guys picked *your* own this season?

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! September 1st through September 30th, 2013.

Let's not forget to send healing thoughts and prayers to victims and families of 9/11 today, and to thank the thousands of heroes who risked their own lives that day to save others.

Have a peaceful day!

**For the exciting conclusion to this cliffhanger, check out PYO Part Deux!**


  1. Hi Dawn! Picking fresh tomatoes is such a satisfying activity! My home garden has pumped out quite a few already, but I think I will purchase some as well....maybe a bushel? I love to roast them. When I cook them, I usually freeze rather than can them. Nothing as great as a fresh tomato!

    1. My freezer is full, so it's canning and drying for us! I have considered getting a second chest freezer, though to house the frozen bounty because freezing is so easy :-) Maybe next year!
