
Monday, September 2, 2013

The Labor Day from Hell!

I love blogging during MoFo. I use it as an organic, fluid process.  I do almost all my posts in relative real-time (writing them within a day or two of posting), but I certainly adore folks who plan for it well in advance and have scheduled posts.  I usually don't know exactly what I'm going to write until I'm writing it, and I like rolling the dice every day to see what comes.

If you've been following me on Facebook, you probably already know I'm having a problem with my tooth (!!) and I've had to wait since Friday to be seen about it.  I still have to make it through tonight and tomorrow morning. So, I thought I'd embrace that problem and make some videos :-)

It may be because of my tooth that I can't figure out where to look into the camera!

Thank your dentist on this Labor Day! :-)

Five Minute Video 'Fo Fest! Sept. 1st through Sept. 30th, 2013


  1. Oh Dawn! You poor thing! The last thing you're interested in is food when you have a bad tooth :( Hope the cloves did something for you until you see your dentist.

    1. Thanks, Kate! The clove oil is steeping now, I'll let you guys know how it goes!

  2. So sorry about your painful tooth. I know how horrible that is, and I hope you find healing treatment as early on Tuesday as possible! Good luck.

    1. Thanks, Andrea! Waiting for the office to open right now :-)

  3. Ah, tooth pain is the worst! I hope you're able to find some relief soon!

  4. Oh my gosh, feel better! Tooth pain is horrible!
