
Friday, October 11, 2013

Guess What?

Guess what? 

It's kind of like a baby...

I'm gonna have a book!

Grandma Margie, circa 1965.

I'm honored and excited to be working with Jon Robertson and the wonderful folks at Vegan Heritage Press on my first cookbook, due out in Spring, 2015. 

Specific content as well as the working title is top secret, but, yes, it's a cookbook!

Join me here for more fun with Vegan Fazool in the meantime...

Fun such as "Extreme Nesting!"
Extreme Nesting.

To prepare for the book's arrival, it's important to make sure *everything* is clean.

See you soon!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Tracy! If you want to test for the book, leave me a comment here with your email address and I'll get you the details (and I won't publish the comment to keep your email private).

      Hope you'll come on this adventure!

