
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is tomorrow, and we love Halloween around here!

Hubby and I carved Vampire and Bat pumpkins this year! 

Maybe this bat will help the Sox win Game 6 of the World Series tonight!

We were invaded by giant spiders, too...

 The guardian of the fig tree, teasing me with the last of the figs!

If you need some quick Halloween treat ideas, check out these:


You might also like my Pumpkin Biscotti!


Have a Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Miller's Daughter

How will I spin all this straw into gold??

CSA Haul, Wed. 10/23/13: 
Vine tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplant, turnips, "spicy mix," beets, arugula, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, spinach, lettuces and carrots.

With the help of my Rumpelstiltskin, of course!


How are you guys managing the plentiful produce that the height of the season provides?

If you don't have enough bounty to complain about, get thee to a Farmers Market before it's all over!  Just put your zip code into the search box and check "Farmers' Markets."  BTW, it seems folks find it difficult to agree on Farmer's vs.  Farmers' vs. Farmers Market, though each manifestation has fans. Most commonly it's Farmers Market or Farmers' Market, if  anyone cares.

Remember the Haddonfield Farmers Market? This coming weekend is it's last weekend for the season.

I would love to hear what you guys are making, since I can't share what I'm making! How are you spinning *your* straw into gold??

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Call for Testers!

Do you crave intrigue? Mystery? Fame and fortune?

Satisfy all your earthly desires, become a tester for my cookbook!

If you'd like to be a tester for my book (and I hope you do!!)  just leave me your name and email address in a comment below and I will get you the details.

Since I moderate the comments here, I won't "publish" them to the post to keep your email addresses private.  So, you won't see your comment appear on this post, but rest assured I see it and you should get an email from me shortly with the testing details.

Fame and fortune await!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Guess What?

Guess what? 

It's kind of like a baby...

I'm gonna have a book!

Grandma Margie, circa 1965.

I'm honored and excited to be working with Jon Robertson and the wonderful folks at Vegan Heritage Press on my first cookbook, due out in Spring, 2015. 

Specific content as well as the working title is top secret, but, yes, it's a cookbook!

Join me here for more fun with Vegan Fazool in the meantime...

Fun such as "Extreme Nesting!"
Extreme Nesting.

To prepare for the book's arrival, it's important to make sure *everything* is clean.

See you soon!