
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quick Box Six: Produce & Plates

Here's my last box (Box #6) from Tues. July 3rd, 2012:

Honey Brook Farm's Local & Organic: Zucchini (3), Cucumbers (5), Fresh Onions (3), Fresh Garlic (2), Swiss Chard (of course! Five weeks in a ROW of SwC), Beets (four weeks in a ROW of beets!), and four heads of lettuce (22 heads in 6 weeks!).

More lettuce, gorgeous! This brings our lettuce total to 22 heads in 6 weeks!

First of the fresh garlic, and BOY, is it ever good (you'll see in a little bit how I've been using it!).

 The 4th of July is our Wedding Anniversary :-).

Now, you are wondering, what did I do with the haul?  HERE'S WHAT!
 OH YES.  A(n almost) totally CSA Organic Lettuce (of course!), Cucumbers, Fresh Red Onion, Garlic Scapes, and Organic Blueberries (non-CSA) and a nice serving of Garlic Scape Pesto Pasta.

But, that wasn't good enough for me!

Bam!  Homemade Organic Chickpeas, a CSA Garlic Viniagrette AND, the most exquisite, "Pink Sauce," so named by my son.  It's my Organic Pepita Beet Spread, and it was AMAZING.

For dessert:
S'Mores Bars, YUM.  

Don't forget to freeze them! They last forever that way!

And, I made some Rosemary Lavender Vinegar.  I am sort of on a kick making Cold Brews.  I made another round of cold brewed coffee, too, using Starbucks French Roast. I think I liked the Cafe Bustelo one better, though.  Both were great.  Anyway.

I want to spray my garbage can with this.  So bad.  Oh yeah.

And, some gardening to end it up:
My tomatoes hybridized on their own!  Weird tomatoes.  Delish, though.

Screamosaurus proudly displaying my strange hybrid.

My next CSA box is coming tomorrow, Wed. July 11th, 2012!

What have you guys been making, brewing or growing? Mold doesn't count.  Unless it's in cheese.  Cashew Cheese.  Or tempeh.  Homemade Tempeh!  P.S. you can pretty easily maintain 88-90 degrees in this heat in a covered box, just use a thermometer to check it, I'm sure it would be OK.

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