
Friday, February 24, 2012

Ten Minute Polenta

Please make your own polenta, it is SO much better than that premade roll-type thing at the store.

Ten Minute Polenta & Polenta Loaf

6 cups water (or water + broth, etc.)
2 tsps salt
1 1/4 cup Polenta, aka "Corn Grits" (I use Bob's Red Mill)

Bring the water to a boil in a high-ish sided pot (just don't use a shallow one! polenta "spits" a bit when simmering and it can shoot out of the pot!).  I use the bottom of my stainless steel steamer :-).

Add salt if you aren't using broth.

Add polenta in a slow stream, whisking as you go.  Let simmer about 10-12 minutes, whisking about every minute or so (it doesn't have to be constant whisking, but you do need to keep it moving).  That's it! 
You can put add-ins at the end, like garlic, herbs, cheese, etc. 

Use immediately for a spoonable, soft polenta (it will firm up right in the dish, so beware!) or pour into a non-stick or lightly oiled or buttered loaf pan and let cool to room temp on your counter.  I love this non-stick 10 inch loaf pan from Norpro.  Once cool, cover and refrigerate for many amazing uses, like Polenta Lasagna

That's it!  You can always make polenta ahead.  It keeps a while in the fridge.  


  1. I always seem to have trouble making polenta. It will never really set for me. maybe I'm using the wrong kind of corn meal... but GOSH does yr polenta lasagna look great. It sounds great - especially the artichokes and giant capers! I love em!

    1. You may be using a variety that is too finely ground. Try the Bob's Red Mill, it is labeled "Corn Grits/Polenta."

      It's fail-proof, you can't STOP it from setting!


  2. Looks good! I have never made polenta! Can you imagine?!?!?!

    1. Actually, I'm not too surprised! Many people think you have to stir polenta for hours! I remember when I started making it about 15 years ago, I stood over the stove in my tiny apartment stirring it for an hour+ in the top of a double boiler. This is NOT necessary!!!

      So, due to that stigma, MANY people haven't made it. I hope to change that with this simple, no-fail recipe.

      Wish I knew it 15 years ago! :-)

      Give it a try. It's one of the quickest, most flexible whole grains you can make!


  3. Polenta is so awesome! I think that anyone who buys the roll should be shot on sight! :) There is a really good polenta recipe in Veganomicon - Poppy-Seed Polenta (page 115) My notes in the cookbook says 'makes me realize why ppl like polenta!'

    1. Please, don't shoot! :-)) I have, on rare occasions, used that horrid roll, so if you shot me you wouldn't know you shot the lady who mostly makes her own polenta :-) The roll thing is OK, but just not nearly as good as homemade. And I find people are always asking me how to make polenta, so here, finally (!) is my polenta post! See, see people? I DID post it after all.

      Yeah, poppy seeds would be good, you can put any add-ins you want in at the end. Sky's the limit!

