
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Two Year Old Peaches

Tonight, I made the ever-popular breakfast for dinner substitution:

Spiced Sour Cream Waffles from Tami Noyes's American Vegan Kitchen with my Apple Topping, Tofutti Sour Cream and Maple Syrup. 

The idea came from a pantry item that I have literally had for two years, and this lovely machine:

When I opened the spiced peaches, I didn't hear the tell-tale vacuum seal release noise, so was a little nervous. The peaches had not oxidized or discolored and I ate a few (they were quite good) but I didn't serve them because, well, I didn't want to risk poisoning anyone besides myself :-) So, I went with my leftover Apfel Filling from the Knodels (which I knew would be lovely) and it worked wonders.  Pick up Tami's book if you don't already own it.  

And, for lunch, we had Tamarind Lentils from Isa & Terry's classic, Veganomicon over my Coconut Lime Infused Brown Rice:

This idea came from a half package of lentils that I found in the bean section of my pantry.  Also, since the Go For Launch Soup, I now have an opened tamarind concentrate in my fridge and am trying to use it up!  Chipping away, chipping away...

That was my day, folks. 

Does anyone know how long tamarind concentrate lasts in the fridge?? Seriously, I have no clue.


  1. those lentils look great.. and i love breakfast for dinner!

    Richa @ Hobby And More Food Blog

  2. Dude, I've had tamarind concentrate in my fridge for at least a year and it seems ok so far. I only ever use it to make pad thai. I keep looking for ways to use it up. That lentil dish sounds (and looks!) really tasty.

  3. Yeah, I figured the tamarind concentrate would be fine for quite a while, the high acidity and sugar of the fruit probably makes it almost self-preserving :-)

    I'd say you can use it in pretty much anything (marinades, soups, beans) where you want tamarind flavor, whenever the need strikes.

    Since it takes so little to flavor things, I'm guessing I'll have this jar of concentrate around until next MoFo!

