
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Garden Fazool: The Tomato Garden is PLANTED!

So, I woke up this morning and made myself some breakfast:

Three minutes on the first side...

One minute on the second side... 

Wha-La! Isa's Banana Flapjacks with Walnuts (from Vegan Brunch) with Yves Canadian "Bacon" and Trader Joe's Vermont Maple Syrup.

Then, being that I was fueled up with delicious vegan vittles, I noticed this:

So, I built this:

And added them:

Doesn't she look so much happier in the ground?

Hope everyone had a great weekend.  Would love to hear about your cooking and gardening adventures!
<3 Dawn


  1. Your tomato garden looks great! There's NOTHING as yummy as home grown tomatoes, and I'm hoping my neighbour downstairs will be growing them again this summer. :)

  2. Thanks! Hopefully the tomatoes make it to maturity...I have a groundhog that lives next door! I might have to fence her in, we'll see! Fingers crossed...

  3. Yay for gardens! Thanks for the love. I work in the gardening industry for a living, so feel free to come to me with any questions, should you have them. I hope I win too, but if I don't I'll just keep entering contests hoping to squeeze in at VVC.

  4. I really, really hope you win, Jen! My husband and I LOVE your video. Clearly the winner :-) And I'll definitely hit you up for garden questions. Any suggestions for a little fence I could put up around each garden? I saw round indents and a broken tomato plant today, thinking cats in the neighborhood, but could be that groundhog! Nothing nibbled. Just broken.
