
Friday, May 13, 2011

Garden Fazool: The Rainbow Garden is PLANTED!

This is going to be a five minute post, but I wanted to let everyone know that I got Garden #1 (in front of my shed) planted before it is going to rain...YESSSS.  Unfortunately, the digging out and building of garden #2 (near my fence) probably won't happen this weekend since it is supposed to rain the whole time, but that's OK.

Here she is, all planted!

I think I will call her the "Rainbow Garden" because she is loaded with Heirloom Rainbow Swiss Chard! Also in this garden will be the other seeds I ordered: Slo-Bolt Cilantro, Giant of Italy Parsley, Organic Sweet Basil (the little seedlings are the ones I had started inside on 4/18/11), and the free carrots that came with my order from Baker Creek.

Did you guys get your seeds in the ground yet? I would love to know what everyone is planting and any good tips or tricks as this is my first season doing in-ground vegetable gardening (always tried containers when I lived in the city, and they never did too well).  I am SO excited for my first real garden!

Enjoy this weekend!  BTW, Forks Over Knives is premiering in Philadelphia and New Jersey (the town over from me) this weekend, but it is SOLD OUT, so I can't go :-( boo!

<3 Dawn

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